17.05.2012 - IRKU gründet internationales Netzwerk mit

Über bisher rein projektmäßige internationale Kooperationen hinaus, hat IRKU sich jetzt auch projektübergreifend im Beratungssektor mit kompetenten Partnern vernetzt, um international agierende Kunden im Verbund noch umfassender betreuen zu können.
Ein wesentlicher Partner ist die PR- und Marketingberatung Martin Snoek Communications in Johannesburg/RSA, eine sehr erfahrene und agile Konzeptionsschmiede für Marketing und Kommunikation/PR.
Desweiteren gehört zu den Erstmitgliedern von MSC – Marketing Services and Communications Global Alliance
– Simone Warden – Cultivate Communications, Perth/Australia
– Infobus, Communiçao e Serviços, Lissabon/Portugal

Zur Zeit laufen Verhandlungen mit einem Partner in Lateinamerika, einem bisherigen Projektpartner von IRKU mit Sitz in Buenos Aires/Argentinien.


Nachfolgend stellvertretend die Pressemitteilung aus Südafrika:


MSC Managing Director, Martin Snoek says
“We are delighted that the first steps to globalise our companies have been concluded and we are in the process of furthering our reach to also form partnerships in other regions.”

MSC South Africa comprises a highly qualified and skilled team of communication specialists, graphic designers, web developers and social media experts, who formulate and activate communication strategies for a diverse client base.

The MSC team also includes local associates who specialise in market research, skills development and coaching and the communication of technologies (engineering including ICT). “Some of our clients are interested in venturing into foreign markets. This global partnership provides an efficient and cohesive way to support them in positioning their brands through regional and country-specific knowledge-based consultants”, says Snoek.

Most consultancies registered with the PRCC (PRISA) are on the receiving end of carrying out assignments for internationally based companies who require communication services to position their brands, products or services in South Africa.

The Australian partner Simone Warden (Cultivate Communications), is based in Perth and provides a broad range of public relations services to mining, government, learning institutions and consumer organisations. She has worked with some of the world’s most admired brands and held a range of communication management positions in South Africa and New Zealand.

Infobus, Communiçao e Serviços is based in Lisbon, and specialises in public relations, lobbying, brand building, social media and media relations. The company is owned by Guida Pereira-Müller, and her clients include well known airline companies. She has extensive experience of communication in Africa and is also an author of children’s books which she distributes to children in Africa during personal visits.

IRKU Institute, founded and run by Professor Ralph E. Hartleben forming the third global arm of the new network, is based in Nuremberg with the Institute for Audits and Performance Improvement in marketing, communication and trade show participation. He has 30 years of international experience in various strategic and operational marketing functions within the industry. He is Professor for International Marketing and Corporate Management and a member of the European Advisory Board of the BPA worldwide media auditing association, and is also an independent consultant with knowledge of the European advertising and public relations landscape.

“Through this global alliance – which we intend to extend to several regions – we hope to internationalise the competences of the network’s marketing communication service providers,” concludes Snoek.

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